We decided to take a different approach…work with nature to replenish the farm, ecosystem and the community.
We Are Organic & Biodynamic
Biodynamic® farming involves managing a farm by utilizing the principles of a living organism. This type of system is self-sufficient and regenerative. Fertility and feed arise out of the recycling of the organic material that the system generates. Avoidance of pest species is based on biological vigor and genetic diversity. Water is efficiently recycled through the farming system.
In day-to-day practice, the goal is to create a system that builds the vitality and biodiversity of the farm; every thing has a role to play, organized so that the waste of one part becomes the energy for another. For example, our cows create the compost necessary for our vines to grow, while the vines produce the oxygen for the animals to breathe. This approach to farming results in an increase in the farm’s capacity for self-renewal and ultimately makes the farm regenerative.
These farming methods heal us and our planet by growing fruit with more flavor and antioxidants, and by retaining more carbon in the soil which simultaneously feeds the plants and curbs climate change. Our cranberries were tested by Rutgers University and were found to contain double the antioxidants of conventional cranberries.
Our Superior Harvesting, Cleaning, and Storage Methods
Typical cranberry farms use highly automated methods that often bruise fruit (e.g. large pumps, harvest “dry”, or ship fruit great distances).
In comparison our gentle methods take more time and it’s worth it!
- Our special harvest tractors comb vines to pick the cranberries.
- We load fruit directly from spring fed water into boats and then small trucks for minimum handling.
- All work happens right on the farm with great care – fruit is picked, dried, sorted, quality-checked, and cooled/frozen the same day.
- Our gentle on-farm methods help our cranberries retain maximum nutrient value and shelf life.